There is no need to make a parking booking, ( due to peak season parking restrictions ), if you arrive at Whakapapa after 2pm and park in the allocated club overnight parking.
There are 400 spaces allocated to clubs, ( not the numbered day parks ) of which most parks are on the downward loop right shown here: Overnight parking
Currently, you must book a park if you are intending to arrive in the weekend during the peak winter season between 7am and 10am
This restriction doesn’t apply to Platinum.
For late night travelers walking up to the lodge, it is advisable to carry a torch or headlamp and have appropriate foot wear for navigating the ice when required.
If you are walking up onto the mountain please take extreme care around groomers, particularly if you suspect they are operating a winch. A headlamp and high vis is a great way to be seen at night by RAL snowmobile operators and groomers.
Chains should always be carried.
Monitor the Bruce road conditions here: Bruce Road Status , as very occasionally the Bruce road will be closed for safety reasons. Please speak to the booking officer about the possibility of staying at Turoa if road closure is looking likely.